MYP Assessment Collaborative 2023 | Submission

Submissions for MYP Assessment Collaborative 2023 are now closed

Check out the MYP assessment bank to access high-quality tasks submitted by MYP educators across subjects!
Go to the bank!
Guidelines for submissions
In order to maintain the collaborative nature of this event, we ask all participants to adhere to the following guidelines:
Build your task
Design your assessment task using the template below. We’ve also included some sample tasks you might like to consider before building your own!
Add student work samples (optional)
If you have already used the task in your classroom, you may also submit up to 3 samples of student work. This step is optional. However, student work samples will allow reviewers to give you more specific feedback about the design of the task and the appropriateness of the levels of achievement that you awarded.
  • If you do include samples of student work, select samples that illustrate a range of achievement levels and ensure that the levels awarded are indicated on the samples.
Submit your task
Once you’re done filling out the template, submit your task using the button below. Please note that no entries will be accepted over email. The deadline to submit your tasks is March 15, 2023.
Receive feedback
You will receive feedback from our panelists by March 30, 2023 over email. More information about the evaluation process and criteria are mentioned in the handbook.
Access largest assessment bank
From the ones reviewed, a selection of the highest-quality tasks will be added to an assessment bank. This bank will be shared with all participants by the end of the 
review process.
Submit task
By submitting assessment tasks, all participants acknowledge that they have permission to share the work they have submitted. Also, all participants agree that the task(s) may be shared within the online community, on the Toddle platform, and websites with due author recognition.

Frequently asked questions

You can submit an assessment task for any of the eight MYP subject groups listed below:

  • Mathematics
  • Language & literature
  • Science [including Biology, Physics, Chemistry]
  • Design [including product and digital design]
  • Physical and health education
  • Individual & societies [including History, Geography, and Integrated Humanities]
  • Arts [Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts only]
  • Language acquisition [English, French, and Spanish only]

We are currently not accepting interdisciplinary tasks, but will shortly launch something exciting for ID learning!

We will accept one task per participant. In case you teach more than one subject, you are welcome to submit up to one task per subject taught.

Yes. Please indicate names of all participants in the google form and on the task. We will share feedback on the email address indicated in the google form.

We are aware that you may submit tasks that have been developed by your department, or with other colleagues at your school. Given that you will be the designated author, we will only share feedback with you but do stipulate that you will have sought all necessary permissions to share the task/resources that were developed collaboratively.

Submitting samples of student work is optional. If you do include samples of student work, select samples that illustrate a range of achievement levels, such as one low, one middle, and one high.

Samples of student work will only be shared with the expert reviewers for the purpose of giving you feedback on the design of the task and the appropriateness of the levels awarded. As such, it is not necessary to pseudonymize the samples, but we recommend you do so to protect the privacy of your students. It is important to verify that submitting student samples for review is permitted under your school’s policies.

We have brought together a panel of reviewers who are accomplished MYP leaders and assessment practitioners. Each subject group has been assigned reviewers who will provide feedback for samples submitted for that subject. For more information on the evaluation criteria, please refer to the handbook.

While you are unable to edit the task after submission, you can always send us an email on with your query and we’ll get back to you.

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MYP Assessment Collaborative is a community initiative by Toddle. We, at Toddle, are committed to supporting educators with best-in-class learning opportunities that are designed to encourage teacher agency. Toddle is an all-in-one teaching-learning platform for schools following the IB or progressive frameworks and is used by 40,000+ teachers around the world. Toddle empowers teachers to work together and better for curriculum planning, student portfolios, assessments, reports, and family communication - all from one intuitive interface!
Know more about Toddle
Disclaimer: This event is organised independently of and not endorsed by the IB. Toddle's events and webinars are organised to enable an exchange of practices and ideas within the educator community and are not a replacement for official IB workshops. Views and opinions expressed by the speakers are their personal views and should not be construed as official guidance by the IB. Please seek assistance from your school’s IB coordinator and/or refer to official IB documents before implementing shared ideas and strategies in your classroom.